Winter Road, 24 x 20" sold

Lone Pine, 24 x 30" sold

Upper Taughannock, 22x 28" sold

Glacial Erratics, Vermont, 24 x 30" sold

Mountains, Vermont, 28 x 34"

November Bullrushes, 32 x 40" sold

Johnson, VT, 30 x 24"

Creek After Rain, 30 x 24" sold

Prospect Park, Brooklyn 24 x 36"

Six-Mile Creek, Ithaca, NY, 36 x 40"

Sumac and Willow, 28 x 34" sold

March Cemetery, 36 x 44"

May Cemetery, 40 x 40"

Cemetery near Ithaca, NY, 36 x 46" sold

Hillside, 28 x 28"

February Willows 28 x 30"

Creekside Willows, 28 x 32"

Willows at Dusk, 28 x 28"

March Sunrise, 34 x 40" sold

Sunrise From the Apartment, 30x40" sold

Summer Day, Ithaca, 28 x 32"

Cascadilla Creek- Spring, 30 x 24"

Lilac- Kincardine, Ontario, 24 x 36"

Goldenrod, 24 x 30"

Cascadilla Creek, Ithaca, 30x24 sold"

Rainy Road, 28 x 22"

Hayts Road, 30 x 24"

Girl on Cell Phone, Ithaca, NY, 28 x 22"

Misty Sunset, 22 x 28"

Backlit Trees, 22 x 28"

Glowing Sycamores, 30 x 24"

Spring Woods, 24 x 30"

Baby Sycamores, 26 x 32" sold

Fresh Sap, 24 x 30"

Cascadilla Creek, Night, 24 x 30" sold

East of Flagstaff, AZ, 24 x 30" sold

Navaho Reservation, 24 x 30"

Sunset Crater, Flagstaff, AZ, 22 x 28"

Sunset Crater, 22 x 28" sold

Northern Arizona, 22 x 28" sold

Arroyo in Flood, New Mexico, 30 x 24"

Shrouded San Francisco Peaks, 30 x 24"

New Mexico Arroyo 22 x 28"

Cabezon in the Distance 24 x 30"

Cities of the Plain 24 x 30" sold

Dry Arroyo 24 x 30"

Cabezon Sunset 24 x 30"

Cabezon Rain 24 x 30"

Mesas 24 x 30"

New Mexico Mesas 24 x 30"

Scrub Jay 24 x 30"

Rain on the Plain 20 x 24"

Sandia Mtns. 24 x 30"

Junipers 24 x 30"

Cowbirds on a Wire, 24 x 30" sold

Clouds, 32 x 34"

Wild Grape- Winter, 38 x 32"

Fall Creek, Ithaca, 22 x 28"

Quaker Cemetery, Ithaca, 22 x 28"

Old White Pines, 24 x 30"

Creekside, Vermont

Ponderosa Pines, New Mexico, 22 x 28"

Rio Grande, New Mexico, 24 x 30"

Rain near Taos, NM, 24 x 30"

Near Amarillo, TX, 30 x 22"

Levee- Arkansas, 30 x 24"

Creekbed, Ozarks, 30 x 24"

Ocean, Monhegan Island, Maine, 30 x 36

Frozen Taughannock, 36 x 44"

Field Near Studio, 28 x 34"

April Cemetery, 36 x 44"

June Cemetery, 24 x 36"

Connecticut Hill, 32 x 40"

East of Flagstaff, AZ, 28 x 22"

Red Earth, New Mexico, 30 x 28"

Approaching the Rio Grande, 23 x 28"

Flagstaff, AZ, 23 x 29"

Ivy, 24 x 30" sold

Spring Willows, 32 x 38" sold

Birds in the Rain, 30 x 34"

Winter Sun, 24 x 36"

Taughannock Mist, 34 x 40"

Wild Grape- Fall, 32 x 32"

Trout, 30 x 30"

Taughannock Falls, 24 x 24"

Out Odel's Way 24 x 30"

Near Trumansburg 24 x 30"

Brewing Storm 24 x 34"

Lone Tree- Vermont 24 x 30"

Railbridge 24 x 34"

Creekbed- Peekskill, NY 24 x 28"

Country Road 18 x 24"

Outer New York Harbor 24 x 30"

Barn Swallows 24 x 34" sold

South Boston 24 x 30"

Illinois- Soybeans 26 x 32"

New Soybeans- Illinois 24 x 30"

Mitsi 24 x 20"

Arroyo- Flagstaff 22 x 28"

Illinois Willow 24 x 20"

Illinois Storm 24 x 30"

Night Blooms 20 x 24"

Chinatown 24 x 30"

Boston Overpass 20 x 24"

Near Peekskill, NY 20 x 24"

Ithaca Creek 30 x 24"

Winter Street 24 x 30"

Central NY 24 x 30"

Near Groton, NY 24 x 30"

Bruce County, Ontario 24 x 30"

Country Bridge 26 x 32"

3rd Ave, Brooklyn 22 x 26"

Illinois August 24 x 30"

Ithaca Spring Creek 18 x 24"

Speedsville, NY 20 x 24"

Watkins Glen Succulents 26 x 26"

3rd Ave, Brooklyn 16 x 24"

DeWitt Park, Ithaca 26 x 32"

Watkins Glen Sunbeams 30 x 24"

Flagstaff Arroyo Noon 20 x 24"

Ithaca Swamp 18 x 24"

Stranded Log 30 x 24"

Speedsville Barn 24 x 30"

Red Arroyo 20 x 24"

Illinois Gravel Pit 20 x 24"

Arizona Arroyo 20 x 24"

Vermont Wild Grape 20 x 24"

Bunny 20 x 24"

Illinois Field 30 x 24"

Below the Dam 24 x 30"

In the Neighborhood 22 x 28"

Rural Cemetery 24 x 30"

Gorgy Glen 28 x 28"

Outside of Ithaca 24 x 30"

Old Gravel Pit Lake 26 x 32"

Lake Champlain 22 x 28"

Guys in the Park 22 x 28"

Neighbors 18 x 24"

Grey Day 22 x 28"

Sun Breaks Through Over Shangri-La 16 x 20"

Lake Champlain Evening 24 x 30"

Late Summer 24 x 30"